After School Program

You can count on us to transport your school-age child to and from school safely. Our transportation staff are certified annually with transportation safety training and our mini-buses are built for safety and have routine safety inspections.
Parents have the option of bringing children for transportation to school, after school or both. We also offer child care for teacher in-service days and holiday periods for an additional fee.
Children being transported to school need to arrive at the center before 7 am. Afternoon riders will enjoy a healthy snack upon arrival at the center, and then break up into a variety of small group activities.
Furnishings and equipment for school-age children include:
Age-appropriate seating and tables to meet children’s needs such as workspace to do homework and table-top activities;
Age-appropriate nap or rest equipment; and
Containers and shelving so that items children can safely use without direct supervision are accessible to children.
Daily Activities for school-age children include:
Study time for those children who choose to work on homework;
Opportunities for outdoor play, weather permitting;
Opportunities for thinking skills and sensory development. Examples of age-appropriate equipment or activities include sand and water play, construction materials and blocks, puzzles with 50 or more pieces; pattern-making materials, such as wood, paper, plastic, beads, ceramic tiles, cloth, or cardboard; games that contain rules and require some skill or strategy, specific skill development materials, such as rulers, tape measures, telescopes, weather observation equipment, models of the solar system, and microscopes, books, and magazines;
Opportunities for small-muscle development. Examples of age-appropriate equipment or activities include art and craft materials, such as paints, markers, colored pencils, crayons, clay, weaving, or braiding materials, music and musical instruments of all types, and puzzles or interlocking building blocks.
Opportunities for large-muscle development. Examples of age-appropriate equipment or activities include balls and sports equipment, such as kick balls, baseballs, soccer balls, basketballs, Ga-Ga Pit, swings, jump ropes, and hula hoops and a circular walking track.
Opportunities for active play both indoors and outdoors. Examples of age-appropriate equipment or activities include: active games such as tag and Simon Says, dancing and creative movement to music and singing, simple games and dramatic or imaginary play that encourages running, stretching, climbing, and walking; and
Opportunities for social and emotional development. Examples of age-appropriate equipment or activities include dolls with detailed, realistic accessories, role-play materials, including real equipment for library, hospital, post office, costumes, makeup and disguise materials, puppets and puppet show equipment; transportation toys, such as small vehicles or models; play and art materials; nature materials; and human and animal figurines.