High Steppers
Age: Twos
The High Steppers class will typically have 10-12 children with two teachers. While the children are still in some of the same stages as the Busy Bees, many will experience an explosion in talking.
New vocabulary appears almost daily, and it is not uncommon for these little ones to begin speaking in complete sentences soon after arriving in the High Steppers class. One of the major challenges in this class will be learning toileting skills.
Our policy is when the child is ready, the parents are ready, and the teacher can accommodate it, we can begin potty training. We encourage you to read over our policies so we can all be on the same page.
Some of the milestones that are typical at this age include: running, jumping, climbing, walking up and down stairs and trying many new things. Supervision is important because they do not understand risks.
It is critical to identify safety risks and remove or secure them. Toddlers enjoy pretend play and love for adults to join them. Be sure to use plenty of words, especially those that help label their emotions. Because most toddlers have not learned self-regulation, it is important to model how to manage and respond to their “Big emotions”. Temper Tantrums are to be expected!
Once the child has mastered toilet training, it is often possible to move him/her to the next class before they turn three. Parents who desire for their child to move to the early PreK class should let us know in advance what their specific goals are so we can plan to accommodate them.