PRE-K Classrooms
We have three PreK classrooms: Early PreK 3 for children ages 2 ½-3 ½, PreK 4 for children who turn four prior to September 1, and a mixed age PreK 3-5 for children who enroll later in the school year or when the other classes are full. All Pre-K classrooms are set up to be conducive to learning with well-designed centers and a variety of teacher-directed activities for individuals, small groups and large groups. All children can access the learning stations of their choice on a rotating basis during specified times of the day. During these designated time teachers navigate among the learning centers, interacting with the children as they play, asking open-ended questions and often documenting the children’s activities for re-visiting later.
We believe children learn best when they are engaged in productive play with peers, so there is room on the classroom schedule for free choice both in the indoor classroom and the outdoor classroom. Our beautiful outdoor learning environment (OLE’) promises lots of opportunities for learning in the natural world in all domains: physical, cognitive, social-emotional, creativity math, science, and literacy. Each class will play outdoors for at least one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon, weather permitting.
Teachers incorporate an integrated curriculum that employs Frog Street Press©, Footsteps2Brilliance®, and Conscious Discipline©. This year, we are adding Osmo, an interactive learning AI device that helps develop skills in Reading, Math, coding, and Imaginative Play. The children will love this addition to our curriculum!
Teachers document children’s progress three times during the school year: BOY, MOY, and EOY. Learning continues for those who remain in the program for the summer months. By the time these children walk into the Kindergarten classroom, they are skilled and eager to progress to the next level of learning.
Early PreK 3
Explorers 1
Early PreK – This class is for children who are three or almost three. Children must be totally toilet-trained, talking in sentences, and able to follow simple instructions to move into this classroom.

PreK 4
Explorers 2
PreK for 3-5 year-old-children. This is a mixed age group of children who enroll after the school year begins or transfer out of the Early PreK class during the school year.
Mixed age PreK 3-5
Kingdom Kids
PreK class for those who turn 4 years old by the 1st of September and will be attending Kindergarten at the beginning of the next school year.